Mega Insulation Marketing and Foreign Trade Inc.

Insulation products manufacturing Turkey’s innovative brand MEGABOARD 42,000 m2 indoor, serves 116,000 m2 of production space totaling 158,000 m2 of open space. MEGABOARD brand in the construction and insulation sector has reached a respectable, reliable and strong brand image, thanks to the current state; 40,000 tons/year Rockwool, 200,000 m3 / year XPS, 350,000 m3 / year EPS production in terms of insulation products range and production capacity is one of the most important players in the industry


MANTO ROCKWOOL (Exterior sheathing, metal, and wooden roof insulation, plastered exterior insulation) TS EN 13500, specially produced according to TS EN 13162 standard uncoated Rockwool plate and plastered exterior insulation systems for heat, sound insulation and fire safety it is used.

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